Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Step Up

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Ever since I saw the trailer, I got obsessed with this movie. I looked foward to it so much that I even watched it on opening day.

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I loved Step Up! OK, I suppose I was a bit disappointed that absolutely everything in it was so cliche: the characters, their social environment and the storyline -you could easily guess what's going to happen next. Nevertheless, I'm a real sucker for the 'boy from the wrong side of town maturing and falling in love with the better-off girl' storyline. It was also nice that there wasn't much of the rich-parent-disapproving-the-poor-boy scenario, which would have been beyond cliche.
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If you love the ballerina look as much as I do, then you'll get loads of inspiration of how to wear layers and look like a street-ballerina. Most of the dancing outfits in the movie are probably not suitable for real ballet practices, (eg she wore pumps), but the outfits looked so girly cool that I could totally ignore the impracticality.
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Admittingly, the clothes look pretty awful in these pictures, but they look way better when you actually see Nora (played by Jenna Dewan) moving and dancing in them.

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And yes, the two main characters had friends with equally cliche but cute storylines.

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The finale dance performance was amazing of course. It's touching to see all their hard work pay off, (although it was very unrealistic how they decided last minute to perform this routine without any practice before the performance.)
Bottomline: Step Up is fun, upbeat and one of the most cliche movies I have seen. And most importantly, the chemistry between Nora and Tyler (played by Channing Tatum) is simply amazing!


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